ZRUO - Zakład Remontowy Urządzeń Okrętowych - 

We focus on continuous development, taking into account the requirements and expectations of our clients. We make every possible effort to ensure the highest standards of the services provided, and compliance within the systems we implement.

According to long-term forecasts, maritime transport is expected undergo a period of dynamic development. An increasing number of people and quantities of goods will be transported by sea, including both long and short-distance routes. This will be achieved by a growing number of more secure and more technologically advanced vessels. Someone will need to build and repair these vessels.

Our company was established in 2000 as a result of the transformation of Stocznia Remontowa Merco (established in 1988). The company was incorporated under the initiative of Zenon Hoppe - the Company's Proxy, a former employee at the Paris Commune Shipyard (for 25 years). As a result of professional practice and knowledge acquired at the Paris Commune Shipyard and at Stocznai Remontowa Merco (head of production from 1988 to 2000), he established ZRUO Sp. z o.o.

The Company's operations mainly include ship repairs. The repairs cover special surveys, overhauls and inter-voyage repairs, where repair teams are deployed and managed on board vessels. The Company offers repair work during voyages, without impacting on the ship's operations. We cooperate with both large and  small clients. Our main objective is to satisfy our clients, which is why we only employ reliable and professional experts, shipbuilding engineers and welding engineers with many years of experience. The Company operates 24/7.

To date, the Company has carried out repairs of many large and small vessels. Among others, they include repairs at  Pol-Levant Linie Żeglugowe Sp. z o.o., The Polish Navy, PRO, MIR, PŻM, Euroafrica, Pol-Euro, and operators from Norway and Russia, etc.

Moreover, ZRUO Sp. z o.o. offers the supply and delivery of goods, and participates in tenders. It supplies ship and industrial equipment. Taking into account the development of the economy and the labour market, we also lease out our office space to other companies.

The Company's operations also include hydro-technical works, such as:

  • piling and installing interlocking sheeting; 
  • coastline reinforcement. 

At present, the main objective of ZRUO is to establish ourselves on the market for the provided services, including foreign markets, and new repair services for floating or fixed components of offshore wind farms or oil rigs and watercraft with a reduced environmental impact.




 On-board fitting works, hull works;

 Engine repairs, execution, modifications, overhaul of CO2 systems;

 Overhaul of exhaust gas boiler units and auxiliary boilers;

 Overhaul of centrifugal and positive displacement pumps;

 Pipe works, overhaul hydraulics ;

 Washing, cleaning and painting of tanks and bilges.


 phone.: +48 513 014 808

 phone.: +48 504 603 253

 fax: + 48 58 782 45 50

 e-mail: biuro@zruo.pl

 Sąd Rejonowy Gdańsk-Północ w Gdańsku VIII Wydz. Gosp. 

 KRS: 80222 Kapitał zakładowy: 235 tys. PLN całkowicie wpłacony

 REGON: 192472224, NIP: 958-13-69-294